BARRON'S: Economic Beat A Better Way To Gauge Corporate Profitability
By David Blitzer and David Wyss
Creative accounting is being blamed for the stock market's recent plunge. Although, as Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan stated in his recent congressional testimony, corporations are coming clean, earnings are shrinking in the wash water. More important, investors still aren't sure whether to trust even the new, lower numbers being reported. Restoring confidence in companies is critical for the stock market and, in the longer run, the economy. The U.S. has long prided itself on the transparency of its corporate structure. The shareholders of a corporation are its owners, entitled to know everything necessary to evaluate it and its management. Shareholders no longer feel they have such information. And if shareholders are required to buy stocks without understanding a company's fundamentals, they may offer much lower prices. Cleaning up corporate accounts requires a clear definition of what the accounts should be, as well as strict adherence to accounting principles. Both issues must be dealt with decisively to restore confidence. Historically, the U.S. has had rule-based accounting standards, while Europe's were based on the principle of full disclosure. Both have their problems, but it's the American version that is currently under attack. Some corporations have used the rules to violate the spirit of accurate accounting. Others have stretched the rules to do the same. The loopholes must be plugged. The other problem has been that "as reported," or "GAAP," profits were increasingly seen as irrelevant to companies' long-term future. Mergers and acquisitions create one-time charges that should be considered differently from ongoing costs. To address these issues, companies reported "pro forma" or operating earnings, and Wall Street stock analysts produced their own versions. Used and defined correctly, all three definitions are useful. The major differences: -- As-Reported Earnings: These include all charges, except for those from discontinued operations and some extraordinary items, as defined by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). -- Operating Earnings: These are reported earnings, but with some one-time and corporate charges reversed. Unfortunately, each Wall Street analyst has his own definition of what can be excluded, so comparing forecasts and analyses based on operating earnings is extremely difficult. -- Pro Forma Earnings: Originally, these were earnings adjusted for acquisitions or deacquisitions, so that the data could be analyzed "as if" the transactions hadn't occurred. However, the definition has been broadened so that it can hide almost anything and has become useless or misleading. Our personal limit was reached when we read seven different definitions of pro forma earnings in one annual report. Our employer, Standard and Poor's, has taken the lead in proposing the use of core earnings, which focus on a company's ongoing operations. They include all the revenues and costs associated with these operations, but exclude all revenues and costs not so related, including hedging operations, litigation settlements, merger expenses and costs relating to financing. These costs may be significant, but they aren't part of a corporation's core profitability. Core earnings include the expense of employee stock options, restructuring charges from ongoing operations, writedowns of depreciable or amortizable operating assets, pension costs and expenses linked to purchased research and development services. Core earnings exclude goodwill impariment charges, gains or losses from asset sales, unrealized gains or losses from hedging, pension gains, expenses related to mergers and acquisitions and proceeds from litigation and insurance settlements. Although no single definition is perfect, we believe that core earnings provide the clearest possible definition, allowing meaningful comparisons across time and across companies. And many firms and analysts are beginning to move toward this definition in their reports. Arguments against the core earnings concept usually center on one of the following: -- Options: The contention by some critics that options can't be priced is silly; they're priced every day on Wall Street, and the theory and practice is much clearer than for most other accruals on the balance sheet. They may not be priced easily for small firms whose shares don't trade much, but this definition isn't really meant for such companies. Some critics argue that the issuer shouldn't accrue costs until the options are exercised. That would certainly be better than companies' current practice of pretending that options have no value. However, recognizing the expense only when a recipient exercises would subject a company to earnings volatility completely beyond its control. We don't believe, by the way, that options are bad. On the contrary, we believe they're useful in aligning the interests of managers and shareholders. However, they are costs just like salaries, benefits and other forms of compensation. -- Restructuring Charges: Restructuring an ongoing operation is part of the normal cost of doing business. A company can't restructure every quarter and call the costs one-time charges. -- Pension Costs and Earnings: Pensions, like wages and health-care expenditures, are part of the cost of hiring workers. Contributions to a pension fund are part of the cost of running a company. Earnings of the pension fund aren't, however, part of the company's core business. Pension-fund gains aren't normally available to the corporation's shareholders, except in the rare instance when an overfunded plan is terminated. The corporation will benefit as future contributions are reduced by the plan gains, but can't claim those gains when they are earned.
Solving the Problems
As Greenspan stated in his testimony, the economy is doing better than expected. However, the stock market has fallen into another slump, after apparently recovering from the Sept. 11 trauma. Why has the market disconnected from the economy? There are four major reasons: 1. The market was overvalued in early 2000, as irrational exuberance reached new extremes. 2. Corporate earnings, squeezed by excess world capacity and hurt by the strong dollar, plunged 50% from 2000 to 2001. 3. The world has become riskier, as threats of terrorist attacks and war in the Middle East increase the risk premium demanded. 4. Creative accounting has made investors uncertain of what the bottom line is, or whether to trust it. How to apportion blame among these explanations is unclear, but most of the problems are being fixed. The overvaluation is rapidly disappearing. The S&P 500's price-earnings ratio, based on its expected 2003 as-reported earnings of $45, is 18.8. That compares with 22.4 on the trailing 12-month as-reported earnings of $37.80. Moreover, first-quarter earnings in 2002 equaled those in 2001, and earnings are turning up. The model favored by the Federal Reserve (the market's P/E ratio equals the inverse of the bond yield) implies that a price-earnings ratio of 21 is warranted. So, stocks are near appropriate levels. The dollar is coming down fast, which should permit fatter profit margins. The economic growth in the U..S. and Asia is gradually whittling away excess capacity. We don't expect to regain the 2000 earnings level until 2004, but earnings are moving back upward. The increase in perceived risk is something we probably have to live with. The world is probably safer now, since security measures have been stepped up after Sept. 11. However, we aren't as safe as we thought we were. Even without the corporate accounting scandals, the market would have corrected. But even if the accounting scandals are fixed, returns over the coming years won't match the amazing performance of the 1982-1999 period, when the S&P 500 returned an average 18% a year. --- |
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